All Fire Marshals, faculty, staff, and student have the responsibility to understand and follow the fire alarm procedures as set out in this guideline and the Fire Safety Plan in each location. In addition, there are responsibilities under the Ontario Fire Code, Fire Prevention and Protection Act, Ontario Building Code, Canadian Criminal Code, Municipal Codes and By‐laws, and other codes and regulations.
Note: Section 437, of the Criminal Code states that committing a false fire alarm is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE, punishable by indictment.
George Brown College buildings have either one or two stage fire alarm systems.
There is a 2-stage fire alarm system at the St. James campus in 200 & 215 King St. E.
All other George Brown locations are equipped with a 1-stage fire alarm system, including Casa Loma and Waterfront campus'.
One stage fire alarm
- Evacuation is required upon hearing the alarm.
Two stage fire alarm
Stage one is called ‘The Alert Signal’, a variable alert audible signal upon activation. EVACUATION IS NOT REQUIRED DURING THE ALERT SIGNAL.
If you hear the Alert Signal:
- Stay calm,
- Remain where you are and prepare to leave the building if instructed to do so
Stage two is called ‘The Evacuation Signal’, a steady, continuous audible alarm signal. EVACUATION IS REQUIRED DURING THE EVACUATION SIGNAL.
If you hear the Evacuation Signal:
- Proceed to the nearest safe exit.
- Follow directions from the Fire Marshal or Security.
Leave the building and proceed to your predetermined assembly area or a safe distance from the building.
Await further instructions.
Do not re‐enter the building without authorization from Security.
R – Remove all occupants.
E – Enclose the area you are leaving. (Close doors)
A – Activate the Fire Alarm.
C–Call [Campus Security]
T – Take the stairs.
Fire Marshals will:
Carry out their duties and responsibilities as listed in the Approved Fire Safety Plan. Direct people back into the facility only when security or fire emergency service personnel advise it is safe to do so.
Faculty, staff and students will:
If an evacuation occurs, remain out of the building until an announcement is made by security, fire Marshals or fire emergency service personnel that it is safe to return.
People with disabilities will:
Move towards the designated safety zone and permit others to evacuate down stairwell. If the student has an assistant, the assistant must advise the Fire Marshal, Campus Security or the Fire Department of the student’s. If the student is unescorted, he/she should remain in the designated safety zone and await the arrival of a Fire Marshal. Students should remember not to use the elevators during a fire alarm. People with disabilities should not allow themselves to be carried down a stairwell unless there is immediate danger.