Events & Networking

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See what's happening with Alumni Relations

We host different events and networking opportunities throughout the year to allow alumni to connect with each other, employers, and George Brown. Make sure to check out our upcoming events further down this page!

Alumni Awards

Each year, we celebrate two different awards that recognize our incredible alumni community. 

Alumni Chapters

Alumni Chapters help you reconnect with your fellow alumni no matter where you are in the world and we can help you set them up.

Alumni team

Upcoming Events


Looking for opportunity outside your native business culture can come with all sorts of pitfalls. Luckily, LinkedIn + ChatGPT level the playing field by making it easy to network with alumni, even if that’s a brand-new experience for you. Join a...
Here’s the brutal reality: The average recruiter juggles 30-40 open roles at a time and the average role attracts 250 resumes. So there’s no way that even the world’s fastest recruiter is going to read every resume and cover letter. Instead, they’re...
What’s the worst part of looking for a job? We spend so much time focusing on the things we were told when we were young (e.g., have a firm handshake!) - only to discover that they don’t actually matter. And to make matters worse, there’s a whole new...