Demos and tools to help you navigate Brightspace

Video tutorials

An understanding of D2L features is essential to move around the course with minimum frustration. The easiest way to get around your course is by using the menu bar at the top. The navigation bar has course-specific tools that link you to the content, assessments, communication, management, and resources.

Use the Content tool on the navigation bar to access course modules and materials. The first time you select the Content tool, you will land on the Overview. You may find introductory material or messages here. If your instructor has left the Overview blank, when you select the Content tool you will land directly on the Table of Contents. 

Below, Overview you will see Bookmarks. Anything you bookmark will appear in a list on the Bookmarks page. The number beside the Bookmarks page indicates how many bookmarks you have. 

Below Bookmarks, you will see the Course Schedule page which lists due dates, start dates, end dates, overdue course activities, and all events within the course from the Calendar tool. 

The Table of Contents is a great place to access the course materials easily. The panel lists all modules available in your course. The course content options located on the Table of Contents page allows you to download your course content in zip file format or send it to your Brightspace Binder account to review offline, depending on the permissions given to you by your organization. 


Use the Discussions tool in the Communications tab to access discussions. Click on 'Start a New Thread' to create a discussion post. Enter a subject line and type your post in the large text box. You may wish to compose your post in a word processing document and copy and paste it into the text box. When you are done, click Post. To reply to a Post, click on the subject line of the post to open it. Click on 'Reply to Thread' and continue as when starting a new thread.

How to Submit an Assignment

To submit to an assignment click on the down arrow beside Assessments on the navigation bar to access the Assignment dropboxes. Select the folder you want to submit your complete assignment to. In the Submit a File area, click Add a File and browse to the file you want to submit. Click 'Add'. Enter any comments you want to submit with the file and then click 'Submit.' Review the File Upload Results page. Click 'Done.' 

How to Take a Quiz

On the navigation bar, click Assessments to access Quizzes. On the Quiz List page, click on the quiz you want to take. Read the instructions and details for the quiz, and when you're ready, click 'Start Quiz.' Answer each question. As a best practice, save each answer after you've entered it. You can see which questions you have saved by looking at the question section on the left side of the screen. To go back to a question, you can also click the question number in the quiz's left panel. To navigate between pages, click 'Next Page' or 'Previous Page.' Click 'Go to Submit Quiz' after you answer all quiz questions. When you are ready to submit the quiz, click 'Submit Quiz.' 

Check User Progress

The Class Progress tool helps you check your progress in a course by tracking course-specific assignments and feedback, and through measuring 9 progress indicators: Grades, Objectives, Content, Discussions, Assignment Submission Folders, Quizzes, Checklist, Surveys, Login History. Use the Classlist tool within the Management tab to check your progress. Click on the down arrow to the right of your name and then 'View Progress.'

Managing Notifications

Receive instant notifications about course events, such as dropbox submissions, discussion messages, and news updates. Access your notifications from the drop down menu beside your name in the mini bar.

How to View Your Grades./Feedback

Use the Grades tool under Assessments to check your grades on assignments and/or tests. You can see your individual grades, as well as the grade formula used to evaluate you. Depending on how your grades are set up, you might be able to view comments and overall class performance statistics as well.