Request an appointment with the Entry Advising Team

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Entry Advising services offers advising services online via virtual, phone and email appointments.

If you wish to have a virtual, phone or email appointment, please complete the form below, and we will contact you to schedule an appointment. If you wish to have an in-person appointment, please email, and we will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Fill in the form below to book an appointment with the Entry Advising Team

Enter your first name here
Enter your last name here
Are you a Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident, or International? Please select below.
If you are a current student at George Brown College, please select 'yes'
If you are a George Brown graduate, or alumni, select 'yes' below. Otherwise, select 'no'.
Please note that our advising hours are Monday to Friday between 9:30am to 4:30pm (Eastern Time, Canada and US).

If you select the Email option, please provide specific questions only. For live discussions, select a Virtual or Telephone option (phone calls available for Canadian and US numbers only).
Please indicate 1 to 3 programs. Separate programs with a comma.
Please indicate up to five (5) specific questions you would like addressed during your appointment.