Key Performance Indicators

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How are we doing?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurements mandated by the Ontario government that tell us how well we're meeting the needs of graduates and employers. We ask our graduates and the employers who hire our graduates to complete surveys on an annual basis. The KPIs include the following:

  • Graduate employment
  • Graduate satisfaction
  • Employer satisfaction
  • Graduation rate

The results of the graduate employment rate and the graduate satisfaction and employer satisfaction surveys are used as the basis for a portion of the funding we receive from the government.

Tell us what's working and what we can improve

Your survey answers also tell us if we're providing the training and experience employers want to see in new hires.

How does the survey work?

A third-party company tabulates the survey results. George Brown manages, processes and analyzes the results.

Graduate Satisfaction Survey

Graduates are surveyed over the phone six months and two years after graduation. (Graduates, please be sure your contact information is up to date.)

Employer Satisfaction Survey

Employers are surveyed over the phone to provide feedback on how well the college has prepared the graduate they hired. Graduates must give permission for the employer satisfaction survey.

Our results

George Brown College's performance 2023:

  • Graduate Employment KPI: 83.6%
  • Graduate Satisfaction KPI: 74.6%
  • Employer Satisfaction KPI: 89.3%
  • Graduation Rate KPI: 67.0%

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) default rates

More information on OSAP default rate calculations is available here: Welcome to the Ontario Student Assistance Program: 2022 OSAP Default Rates and Loan Repayment Measures (