Looking for support to return to school and work?
Come and learn more about the Transitions to Post-secondary Education Program (TPE).
This is a FREE college program for adults who want to make a change in their lives by going back to school. Unlike other transitional programs, TPE is specifically for people who face barriers to school or employment related to mental health or substance use.
Important: You must attend one of these online information sessions if you would like to attend the program in Fall 2024. In this online information session you can:
- Hear from and talk with faculty, staff and students from the program.
- Learn about how you can prepare yourself for this program.
- Find out how the program can help you reach your academic and employment goals.
- Find out how to apply.
The deadline to apply for Fall admission is Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
Please note that applications must be completed IN PERSON at George Brown College. Please attend a mandatory information session for details about how to apply IN PERSON.