2SLGBTQIA+ Student Focus Groups

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Build connections, share your experience and build a more inclusive GBC. 

The Office of Anti-Racism, Equity, and Human Rights Services promotes fairness, equity, accountability and transparency at George Brown College. To support this work, we want to amplify the voices and experiences of 2SLGBTQIA+ students at George Brown College, through a series of focus groups facilitated by other students, staff, and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Each focus group will meet for 2 hours, and will include a time for reflection, sharing, and brainstorming. Through the focus groups, students will be able to make connections, share your experiences of gender and sexuality on campus, and map areas of growth for GBC in our service to 2SLGBTQIA+ students. The information shared in the focus groups between February and March 2023 will be used by OAREHRS to build initiatives and policies to support greater 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion.

We do require pre-registration for these gatherings. To ensure effective use of everyone’s time we will only hold a session if we confirm at least 5 students are able to participate, and we will connect with you to confirm that we are moving ahead as planned. The spaces we are choosing will be located near a gender inclusive washroom, only be open to members of the communities, and opening activities will be centred on creating and maintaining a safer space while we are together.

Please attend the focus group what is closest to where you learn or live, or join us for the virtual focus group.   

As a token of our appreciation, all participants will receive a gift card upon completion of the focus group. A meal will be served at all the in-person gatherings.

For more information, or to share any access needs to allow you to attend and fully participate in this event, please contact diversity@georgebrown.ca