Observing World Mental Health Day

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2 students chatting in a lounge area

Today, we commemorate World Mental Health Day, a global initiative championed by the World Health Organization (WHO), aimed at shining a spotlight on mental health and fostering understanding, compassion, and action. This year's theme, as established by WHO, reinforces a fundamental principle: Mental health is a fundamental human right, accessible to everyone.

An increasing rise in mental health challenges is impacting more and more people globally, particularly among our younger generations. As a college community, we take our responsibility to support wellness and mental health seriously. The ties that bind us are not just of academia and shared campus grounds; they are the shared responsibilities and connections that make our community's mental wellness a collective endeavour.

Today, a range of activities, games and workshops across all three of our campuses will be hosted by Student Well-Being, Athletics, Student Life, our Student Association and Peer Mentor+. These initiatives highlight the importance of the connection between mental and physical health. Students are encouraged to check out the activities.

We offer many mental health resources to support students and employees.

  • Support is available for students through our dedicated counselling and well-being team. Students may book a counselling appointment through the Counselling Student Portal accessible from our website or they can email, call or visit in person.
  • For employees, we have partnered with TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) for our Employee Assistance Program which offers a broad range of health and wellbeing services including mental health support, resources, and counselling. Services are free and confidential. Click here to sign in with your GBC login credentials for the full suite of services, or you can sign in with the username: GBC and password: wellness if you would rather not disclose your name. Alternatively, you can call 1-866-833-7690. You can also visit the Employee Wellness and Mental Health Resource page on GBCommunity for more information, as well as tips and resources to support your well-being.
  • Telus Health has created a new microsite called “Nurturing Mental Wellness: Cultivating Compassion in the Workplace.” TELUS Health Learning is also presenting a webinar for GBC leaders: to register, visit TELUS Health Learning presents - Mental Health: The New Workplace Pandemic, October 10th, 2023 at 1 p.m. EDT.

As we mark this crucial day, let's remind ourselves that our commitment to mental well-being isn't just limited to today. Your mental health matters today, tomorrow, and every day after.