News and Announcements from George Brown College

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Are you a George Brown College student and a budding entrepreneur? Did you know that George Brown College Library Learning Commons has a dedicated librarian available to support you as you validate your business idea through research? Meet Christa Lochead who is available to assist you in learning...

Even though Shuang Wu moved to Toronto during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic and was taking online courses, she found many ways to get involved at George Brown College (GBC) and make friends. Now, she wants to share what she's learned from her GBC experience.

The Food Innovation and Research Studio (FIRSt) will expand its research and development efforts, furthering its mission to help food and beverage businesses test and develop their products.

Jacobsen enjoys giving back. He’s worked with three student mentees in the last year, covering job search skills, presenting oneself in a corporate setting, and maintaining a positive attitude.

Toronto’s top mayoral candidates will address the housing pressures facing people across the city at a debate at Waterfront Campus, expected to be a key event of the race.

George Brown College (GBC) took a huge step forward in addressing what the United Nations calls "the defining issue of our time" with the launch of the Brookfield Sustainability Insititute (BSI), a first-of-its-kind, college-based centre of excellence in Ontario to tackle challenges posed by climate change.

Huynh is excited to provide career guidance and help students develop essential soft skills such as time management, problem-solving, critical thinking and teamwork.

This year’s Centre for Business Symposium Series was a huge success, bringing together professional experts, faculty and students to network and discuss hot topics in their respective fields. In addition to the Third Annual Business Analytics Symposium, the Centre for Business also hosted three new...