How to make remote working work for you

A participant using computer-delivered IELTS in a lab using headphones for listening

Are you feeling a bit flustered by the pace of change over the past few weeks? Are you or your team struggling to establish an effective and engaging remote workplace? You’re not alone — employees across the college are experiencing those challenges — and there are resources available.

Leading and managing relationships in a remote working environment

Good leadership plays a significant role, whether your team is in the same room, or never sees one another. It can be challenging to decide which step to take next, to be deliberate in your communication and staying connected.

  • Quick tip: Meet with your team collectively and individually to reset expectations and discuss priorities or challenges.
  • Suggested tools: Daily “stand-ups” help teams share what they’ve accomplished the day before and what they’re prioritizing for the day ahead.
  • More resources: Check out our guidelines for working remotely.

Making technology work for you in a remote working environment 

Technology is supposed to enable us to do more, yet sometimes it feels like a disabler. No doubt you’ve made great strides over the past week, getting yourself and your team set up to work remotely, and you’ve probably hit speed bumps along the way.

  • Quick tip: You don’t need to become an expert, just find a tool(s) that helps your team get your work done.
  • Suggested tools: Microsoft Teams is great for voice/video calls, team meetings, sharing information and collaborating. Use this tool to your advantage with your team.
  • More resourcesMicrosoft Teams Essential Training will get you started with this powerful communication and collaboration tool.

Taking care of yourself and others in a remote working environment 

Raise your hand if a month ago you thought you’d be working from home, maybe handling childcare, concerned for your health, possibly for an extended period. Not likely! This is a strange new world, and “take care of yourself” has suddenly gotten a lot more serious.

  • Quick tip: Live alone? Call family and friends for their benefit and yours. Live with many? Talk it out, it’s an adjustment for us all.
  • Suggested tools: Facetime, Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom are all great (and free) ways to stay connected with your loved ones, and are almost as good as being with them in person.
  • More resources: Check out these easy tutorials to help you stay connected to your loved ones — FacetimeSkypeGoogle Hangouts and Zoom.

More tips, tools and resources 

Do you have other questions or need support as you transition to working remotely? 
