What is the Asbestos Abatement test?
All workers who perform Type 3 Asbestos Abatement work must pass this examination. The examination was developed by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and is taken by workers after they complete the Asbestos Type 3 training program.
For more information, please contact the Ministry of Colleges and Universities at 1–800–387–5656.
Who can write the test?
To complete this test, you must have completed the Type 3 Asbestos Abatement training at an approved training site.
What tests are available?
- E253-23-01-03 - Worker - 1st attempt
- E253-23-01-04 - Worker - 2nd attempt
- E253-19-01-04 - Supervisor
How can I book the test?
To book an appointment, contact the Assessment Centre through email or by phone. Appointments are available from Monday through Friday at 9:00 am or 11:00 am.
Email - gbctest@georgebrown.ca
Phone - General Inquiries Line at 416-415-5000 x4565.
Where do I write my Asbestos Abatement test?
All Asbestos Abatement test appointments will take place at the Casa Loma Assessment Centre.
Is there a charge for the test?
The fee for proctoring an Asbestos Abatement test is $75 per test.
What do I need to bring to the test appointment?
On the day of your exam, you will need to bring current Photo Identification, your Test Fee and proof of completing the Asbestos Type 3 Training.