Lockdown Browser and Test Respondus

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While faculty members and chairs will decide how best to proceed with examinations, we know many of you are enquiring about proctoring. George Brown’s eLTI and TLX teams are committed to supporting online examination delivery via Brightspace. In addition, we are offering two other levels of optional virtual proctoring, if required. These are supported by our Respondus Technology.

  1. Respondus Lockdown Browser, which restricts a student’s device so it can only access resources pertaining to the examination;
  2. Respondus Monitor, which records the student via audio/video and flags any suspicious behaviour during the test.​​

​​Online Examinations: Virtual Proctoring

If virtual proctoring services are required, faculty should run a test beforehand (contact eLTI if you require assistance), and faculty must recognize the following:

  • Supported proctoring tech is only available for desktop computers and for iPads with ios 10+.
  • Students must download specific software and have hardware requirements (ie: camera and microphone). Students may also require additional training or technical support which can be accessed through GBC Assist.
  • Faculty must be available and reachable to students during the exam. It is recommended that a means of communication is confirmed with the students prior to the start of the exam should an issue arise (i.e.: GBC email).
  • Technical support will be provided during examinations. While we will do our best to resolve issues quickly, we cannot guarantee that all issues will be resolved immediately.
  • If the virtual proctoring software identifies suspicious behaviour, only the faculty member is allowed to review the video for examination integrity.
  • Faculty should ensure examination time frames (time to log in, duration of exam etc.) are generous so unforeseen technical disruptions can be handled.

​Respondus Technology Support for Faculty

  1. Rapid Rollout Guide for Instructors – Essential information for using Respondus Monitor with online exams. 
  2. 24/7 Live Chat – Remember that students can access built-in troubleshooting and live chat from within Respondus Monitor if they encounter a technical problem.
  3. Create a Practice Exam – Have students take a practice exam with Respondus Monitor to ensure their computer, webcam and Internet are working properly. Allow students more than one attempt on the quiz so they can try the practice exam whenever their device or networking environment changes.
  4. LockDown Brower and Respondus Monitor Instructor Training
  5. Preparing an Exam for Use with LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor
  6. Download the Instructor Quick Start Guide
  7. Download instructions for students “Using LockDown Browser and Webcam for Online Exams
  8. Download the instructions to install Respondus LockDown Browser from AppsAnywhere