Making the most of a Work Experience Term

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As a work experience employer, you're playing a key role in the professional development of the students you hire. Both students and employers get the most value from a co-op or internship experience when expectations and responsibilities are clearly communicated and students are encouraged to ask for help or clarification when they need it. To ensure you and your student are making the most of the work term, please follow these important employer guidelines:

  • Provide productive, relevant employment related to the student’s program of study, a job description, new employee orientation, on-the-job training, and supervision, and previously agreed upon compensation and benefits.
  • Assist the student with establishing achievable learning objectives
  • Participate in a work site visit with a Co-op Officer
  • Complete, discuss and return the Work Term Employer Evaluation Form

If you are delighted with a student's performance and would like to consider him or her for a permanent position, please encourage the student to complete their academic program and contact you upon graduation.

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