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Invaluable Input

Our industry partners play a key role in helping to prepare our students for the real work ahead. Not only do they host field placement students, but they inform the content of our programs by advising us on the latest trends affecting their organizations. Our partners range from small community organizations located across the Greater Toronto Area to some of the largest and most well-regarded hospitals and health care facilities in downtown Toronto.  

Driven by Technology

Advances in technology are rapidly evolving the capabilities of our health care system with data playing an important role in this growth.

Information systems that are designed to collect, store and analyze health care data are enabling more effective and efficient treatments, important research projects and helping to identify new methods of diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases.

These tools are facilitating new methods of accessing and delivering health services, such as telemedicine, online registration and family healthcare teams, and they are providing insight into mental health, cultural diversity and a number of other sociological issues.

The Importance of Security

The security and confidentiality of electronic health data are foundational aspects of our programs. As such, our students study the various pieces of government legislation that outline the legal protocols and procedures required by those who work with sensitive personal data. Examples include the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).  

Industry Ready  

We equip our students with the business skills they’ll need to work as part of an inter-professional health care team. Onsite at our Daphne Cockwell Centre for Health Sciences, students are trained to use specialized computer programs that are industry specific. We also teach them important skills they’ll need when working as part of a team or with members of the public like empathy, inclusiveness and compassion. Some will have the chance to work with members of the public at our WAVE Clinic, but all will have at least one field placement experience where they’ll get to test what they’ve learned in a real world environment with one of our industry partners. 

If you’d like to learn more about our industry partners or get involved, please contact the School of Health Services Management at 416-415-5000, ext. 4542 or email