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Anti-Racism training at George Brown

At George Brown College, we're committed to ensuring employees have access to training/tools and resources that support racially responsive and culturally sensitive practice with a focus on inclusive and accessible language, power and privilege, and racial trauma.

While we continue to develop training opportunities, we encourage you to visit some of our resources:

Learn more about our training opportunities

Call it Out eCourse

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has developed an online training called “Call it Out.” The training is a 30-minute interactive eCourse that offers a foundation for learning about race, racial discrimination and human rights protections under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Anti-Racism E-Course

We are pleased to launch our new e-course, "Doing the Work: An Introduction to Anti-Racism." The course is uniquely GBC — it is different than previous anti-racism learning opportunities as it was made by us for us. 

Our entire college community is encouraged to take the time to complete the course. For employees, it can be accessed via Cornerstone, and students can access it on Brightspace. Through this course, we hope to make space for ongoing discussion, enable good faith questions, and engage in conversations about the content. 

Please contact Ana Mateus for more information.