Pride at GBC Working Group

Are you interested in supporting GBC’s Pride Month initiatives? Join the Pride at GBC Working Group!  

What is the Pride Working Group?

Pride Month is June 2024! George Brown College is committed to creating spaces and initiatives that celebrate our diversity and contribute to a sense of belonging among our 2SLGBTQIA+ community members. 

To do this, we're creating an opportunity for 2SLGBTQIA+ and allied community members to get involved in planning initiatives that meet our community's needs. 

What does the working group involve? 

This working group will focus on proposing, planning, and implementing initiatives for GBC's Pride celebrations reflective of the needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ GBC community members. 

We are asking for a commitment of about two to four hours per month. If you can't attend all meetings, no worries — we'll also make the info available online afterwards so everyone can engage.  

We will come together as a community to develop community guidelines.  

How can I participate? 

The Pride Working Group is open to all 2SLGBTQIA+ people and allies at George Brown College, including students, support staff, faculty, and admin. Students will receive an honorarium as compensation for their time. There will be a maximum of 10 students.   

You do not have to disclose any specifics of your identities. Just affirm that you’re committed to increasing inclusion and countering homo-, bi-, and transphobia wherever they may arise.  

Pride Flag flying over George Brown College sign at 200 King Street East.

How do I apply? 

If you’re interested, please review this page in detail, then fill out the form to apply (GBC sign-in required). Although we would like to welcome all interested in joining the Working Group, if we have more applicants than possible, we will have to narrow down the membership based on applications.  

Applications close Friday, April 12.

Apply for the Working Group