Liberal Studies Requirements

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GBC’s Liberal Studies electives are designed to enable students to expand and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the humanities (LHUM), sciences (LSCI) and social sciences (LSSC). Students must complete Liberal Studies electives from at least two of the three categories (LHUM, LSSC and LSCI). Lower-level electives introduce students to core concepts in subject areas such as psychology, sociology, art history and environmental science, and upper-level electives explore key issues in these subject areas in greater depth, and often from an interdisciplinary perspective.

The Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) requires that at least 20% of the course hours in all degree (baccalaureate) programs focus on subjects that are outside the core (or main) field of study. Therefore, at least six of the courses in all degree programs are non-core, or “breadth” courses, and most of these non-core courses are Liberal Studies electives. To fulfill PEQAB’s requirement that students take breadth courses that require more than an introductory level of subject knowledge, students must complete at least three upper-level Liberal Studies electives.

The content of some Liberal Studies electives may be similar to that of required courses in your program. While we do exclude students in particular programs from taking courses that overlap with core subjects, ultimately it is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they do not take Liberal Studies electives that repeat curriculum in their program area

Applying Diploma level General Education credits to Degree level Liberal Studies Courses

According to George Brown College policy, students who have earned a grade of “B” or higher in TWO diploma level General Education electives might be eligible for exemption from ONE Liberal Studies elective. Please note that the PEQAB breadth requirement applies – electives must be completely unrelated to the core program of study – and that program-mandated General Education courses cannot be transferred to fulfill Liberal Studies elective requirements.

Please come to one of the Liberal Studies offices for advising about elective requirements as soon as possible after you transfer from a diploma to a degree program. If you are a GBC graduate, the Registrar’s office will apply eligible diploma level General Education electives with a grade of “B” or higher to your degree program’s Liberal Studies elective requirements.

If you have completed diploma courses at another institution, you must submit transcripts and course descriptions to the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (please visit the Liberal Studies office at your campus for assistance with the application process).

Students can earn a maximum of two Liberal Studies elective credits through a diploma to degree transfer.