Vince Mancuso, A.O.C.A.

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Vince Mancuso,


Vince is an OCAD graduate from the class of 1983. Upon graduation he worked for Goods Wolf Advertising where he became Art Director. In 1985 he left the agency and began his free-lance career, which encompasses television, film, advertising, and editorial work. An accomplished draftsman, his drawing abilities are highlighted on five episodes of the hit television show, Queer as Folk. In 2003 Vince created a multi media show involving real-time drawing and digital editing of images with a live feed projection onto a stage. This production was presented in Pittsburgh at Club Café, twice for Bell World, twice at the Distillery Jazz Festival, and as part of a product promotion for Cadbury Adams. It was also showcased in Canadian Digital Creativity 2003: the Ontario Innovates Project. The Code, an exhibition of Vince's drawings and paintings, was held at the Realtime Studio in 2003. Vince started teaching for George Brown in January 2003. He designed and wrote the curriculum for the installation and performance art class and has taught design thesis, foundation materials, Illustration 1 and 2, installation and performance art, storyboarding 1, and Intro to majors.