Resetting Your Password

Please note: When resetting your password, please only enter your student or employee ID number within the User ID field. Do not include

Getting started

Prior to resetting your password, please ensure that you disable and/or delete any passwords stored in your browser cache, VPN, wireless and/or email settings on your desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. Once your password has successfully been reset, simply update those devices with your new password and re-enable the services. Failure to update your stored password on these devices will result in your account getting locked out and you will be required to reset your password again.

Password Support

Logging in for the First Time

Steps For Students And Employees:

  1. From an Internet browser navigate, and log in, to George Brown's self-serve password utility.
    1. In the browser address bar enter: If a security warning is displayed, click on Continue to this website.
    2. Log in using your personal User ID (i.e. your student or employee number) and Password (for staff, this is the password you received through a College Alert email; for students, the password you received in the mail) . Do not include as part of the User ID.
    3. Click Login.

      Please note that after 10 consecutive failed login attempts, the system displays a dialog box stating that your account is suspended. The system sends an email message containing your password to the email account registered in Banner (staff) or Stu-View (students) .

      If you have not registered an email address, contact the following for assistance with unlocking your account:
      Staff (including staff with a locked out student User ID) : call the Contact Centre (ext. 2000)
      Students: visit a Student Service Centre or call the Contact Centre (ext. 2000) or Helpdesk at ext. 4357
    4. Your Password Expired page is displayed. You must now change your password.
      • Enter your current password in the Current Tivoli Identity Management password field.
      • Click on Review the criteria for my new password.
      • Enter an identical new password in both the New password and New password (confirm) fields.
      • Click OK.

        The password change is typically complete within a few seconds, but may take up to a minute.
    5. The Forgotten Password Information page is displayed.
      • Enter answers to all question choices. (Please note that no spelling or other verification checks are performed on your answers.)
      • Click OK.
    6. The Request Completed page is displayed.
      Click Logoff to exit.
    7. A dialog box confirms that your User ID is logged off. For your security, we recommend that you exit from your Internet browser at this point, and start a new browser if Internet access is required.

    You may return to the self-serve password utility at any time, to change your password or to change your challenge questions and answers.

Forgot your Password?

Steps For Students And Employees:

  1. From an Internet browser navigate, and log in, to George Brown's self-serve password utility.
    a) In the browser address bar enter: If a security warning is displayed, click on Continue to this website.
    b) Enter your User ID (do not include
    c) Click on Forgot your password?.
  2. The Forgot Your Password page is displayed, and you are prompted for answers to the security questions you chose when you first used the utility.
    a) Enter the answers.
    b) Click OK.

    Please note that after 10 consecutive failed attempts, the system displays a dialog box stating that your account is suspended. The system sends an email message containing your password to the email account registered in Banner (staff) or Stu-View (students).

    If you have not registered an email address, contact the following for assistance with unlocking your account:
    1. Staff (including staff with a locked out student User ID): call the Contact Centre (ext. 2000) or Helpdesk at ext. 4357
    2. Students: visit a Student Service Centre or call the Contact Centre (ext. 2000) or Helpdesk at ext. 4357
  3. The Specify New Password page is displayed.
    a) Enter an identical new password in both the New password and New password (confirm) fields.
    b) Click OK.
  4. The self-serve menu is displayed, with a dialog box confirming your password was changed. The password change is typically complete within a few seconds, but may take up to a minute.

    Click Logoff to exit.
  5. A dialog box confirms that your User ID is logged off. For your security, we recommend that you exit from your Internet browser at this point, and start a new browser if Internet access is required.

Can’t log in to reset your password?

First, try resetting your password using our Forgot Password reset link.
Note: you must use the email address you used to first register with George Brown College.

Still need help? Call the LLC’s Technology Help phone service.

Resetting your Password

Steps For Students And Employees:

  1. From an internet browser navigate, and log in, to George Brown's self-serve password utility.
    a) In the browser address bar enter: If a security warning is displayed, click on Continue to this website.

    b) Log in using your personal User ID (i.e. your student or employee number) and Password. Do not include as part of the User ID.
    c) Click Login.

  2. The self-serve menu is displayed. Click Change Password.

  3. The Change Password page is displayed.
    a) Enter your current password in the Current Tivoli Identity Manager password field.
    b) Click on Review the criteria for my new password.
    c) Enter an identical new password in both the New password and New password (confirm) fields.
    d) Click OK.

  4. The Request Submitted page is displayed. The password change is typically complete within a few seconds, but may take up to a minute. You can view the status of the change request by clicking on View My Requests.

  5. The View My Requests page is displayed. The Status field will show the result of the password change. Click Logoff to exit.

  6. A dialog box confirms that your User ID is logged off.

For your security, we recommend that you exit from your internet browser at this point, and start a new browser if internet access is required.

How to Change your Password Challenge Questions

Steps For Students And Employees:

  1. From an Internet browser navigate, and log in, to George Brown's self-serve password utility.
    a) In the browser address bar enter: If a security warning is displayed, click on Continue to this website.
    b) Log in using your personal User ID (i.e. your student or employee number) and Password. Do not include as part of the User ID.
    c) Click Login.
  2. The self-serve menu is displayed. Select Change Forgotten Password Information.
  3. The Change Forgotten Password Information page is displayed. You may change one or more questions and/or answers.
    a) Click Clear to the right of questions you wish to answer differently or questions you do not wish to retain.
    b) Answer questions.

    To change the answer to a question:
    Click Clear to the right of the question, and enter a new answer.

    To replace one question with another:

    Click Clear to the right of the question you want to replace, and enter an answer to the question you prefer.

    c) When you have completed all of your changes, click OK.
  4. The new challenge questions and answers are displayed. Click Logoff to exit.
  5. A dialog box confirms that your User ID is logged off.

For your security, we recommend that you exit from your Internet browser at this point, and start a new browser if Internet access is required.